Via XXV Aprile, 24A, 20871 Vimercate MB, Italy

Fire Prevention

Fire prevention refers to activities subject and not subject to fire department supervision. Activities subject to fire prevention are included in the Presidential Decree 01/08/2011 no. 151. With regard to non-subject activities, a fire risk assessment is still carried out according to general fire prevention criteria. Fire prevention consists of the following steps:

  • Analysis of the existing state or architectural design with reference to current regulatory provisions
  • Verification of compliance with the technical rules of the activities under consideration
  • Preparation of graphic tables and technical report of compliance with the mandatory provisions for subject activities. The technical report contains guidance on the verification of general or specific fire safety and emergency management criteria in workplaces
  • Preparation of the VV.F. file. And maintaining contact with the relevant provincial fire brigade commands

The client is supported through the entire permitting process, up to the design and construction supervision of building, structural and plant works aimed at fire safety compliance. At the end of the steps are the submission of the Fire SCIA – signed by the Activity Owner – and the asseveration for fire safety purposes, signed by the Technician.

Activities complementary to fire prevention include:

  • The verification and calculation of fire resistance of structures, compartments and closure elements for the production of CERT-REI and DICH-PROD forms;
  • The drafting of emergency and evacuation plans;
  • The renewal of fire prevention certificates called periodic renewal of fire compliance.