Building Condon
In 2024 there are no scheduled Building Condons however this is a particularly sensitive subject to regularize past situations and to update the Consolidated Building Code.
In 2024 there are no scheduled Building Condons however this is a particularly sensitive subject to regularize past situations and to update the Consolidated Building Code.
Why talk about Seismic Vulnerability When catastrophic natural events such as an earthquake occur, in addition to the loss of
The Certificate of Static Suitability is a document that attests to the stability of the load-bearing structure of a building The CIS is required to obtain the habitability of a building, especially when the inspection certificate is missing. It also delves into the validity of the certificate and the cost of obtaining it.
Teknoprogetti performs a static load test on a school gymnasium roof following increased loads, due to the installation of photovoltaic panels.
Guidelines implementing the New Municipal Building Regulations for C.I.S. Milan have been approved (Executive Determination 598576 of November 25, 2016).
With the publication of the Sisma Bonus Guide, February 2019 edition, the Internal Revenue Service has clarified in more detail what deductions may be allowed for earthquake-resistant work.
The Certificate of Static Suitability must establish the condition of the load-bearing structures of a building, in this case the Cine-Theater. This is a compulsory document, prepared by a licensed engineer with the professional register, usually an engineer. The document certifies the goodness or otherwise of the structures, which, in the event of disruption, can have serious repercussions for public safety.
Verification of the load-bearing capacity of a roof as a result of increased loads following the installation of photovoltaic panels.
TeknoProgetti applies strict procedures for site investigations of existing buildings to obtain Fire Prevention Certificate.
Thanks to the changes contained in the Growth Decree (Decree No. 34/2019) on eco and seismic bonus, taxpayers can take advantage of the possibility of immediately monetizing the tax deduction for energy-saving and seismic risk reduction interventions.